Assignment 4


50 users

Having 50 users on one network can be damaging to the server because all the users can put up information and it could lead to all data getting lost and another bad point of having 50 users on a network is that so many people are on it, it could just jam the network and stop working.

 No log on to the network

The effects of having no log on is that anyone can go onto the network and put potentially damaging software or a virus onto the servers which could crash the hole server. You can solve this by putting a log on into the system so that it is not so easy to access.

Internet (unrestricted access)

The effects of having unrestricted access on the internet is bad because anyone can go onto the internet and put information on it and can also put viruses on as well. Another bad point is that you can pick up viruses from bad websites. You can solve this by restricting some content.

Staffs are ‘allowed’ to install and remove software

This is bad because staff can take important information of a company and give it into the wrong hands are someone could take harmful software into a company and damage it. The consequences could be that the employee gets fired.

Data is backed up once a month

The effects of backing up data once a month is that if you forget to save your work are lose it, it will be lost forever and you will not get it back. You should back up information at the end of every day so that the chances of retrieving the information is much better. This can be solved by backing up data every day.

Data tapes are kept secure in a locked plastic box on top of the server

This is very dangerous because the data can be easily stolen if someone breaks into the company are the company had and accident such as a fire. You can solve this by keeping the tapes secure somewhere else or even in a different building.

The company keeps records in a database on customers

This is dangerous because if the records such as bank details, addresses and purchase history are on the database the information can be easily stole by someone breaking in or the data could be lost due to an accident.

    • Occasionally the manager has overheard staff discussing account details with other suppliers and On more than one occasion he has heard staff providing address information to others over the phone. This could lead to the employee getting fired.

Email is available to all

This is dangerous because e-mails out of the company to unknown people with personal information such as addresses and bank details which could also lead to the sacking of an employee. This can be solved by making E-mail available to people who need it most.

 IP address log is not kept of sites visited

This is important because recently workers have started visiting social networking sites such as facebook and twitter more often which could also lead to the leak of information or even viruses. This can be solved by blocking most social sites.

 No firewall is in place.

This is extremely dangerous because there is always potentially damaging information travelling from server to server. One bad virus could destroy everything. Another bad point about this is that it can be really expensive to install a whole firewall system to a network. This must be solved because it is dangerous and you should install a firewall.

No restrictions on internet access

This means that anyone can go onto any website and download bad information are a virus somewhere. This could be solved by restricting most content on the internet.

Downloads are not monitored

This means that you can download anything which is bad for a computer because you could download the wrong thing. Someone must be monitoring downloads at all times

Entrance doors are not protected by keypad etc

This means any random person can break in and steal are completely destroy every piece of information the company has. This can be solved by installing a keypad system.

Installing and removing hardware
The effects of this are that it is really expensive to set up such as intalling a completely new protection system. This will be very expensive and time consuming. This means that people have to come and install software in every room.

Some of these could be serious and are in the computer misuse act and the data protection act